I bought this laptop before the review was published. I wish I'd waited.
I can confirm the mentioned problem when the fan keeps running even after the load was removed which is very annoying. It's been more than a month since the publication of the article and the bug is still there. Unfortunately, I found this problem after the return period had ended and I can't refund my purchase. I was extremely surprised to learn that the return period is just 6 days in Austria. Nowadays, shops extend the return period up to 30, 45 or even 90 days for goods which are way cheaper. I had to send the laptop for repairs and they returned it (pretty fast) without fixing it because they couldn't reproduce the error. Service request number: 40DS49B. The repair staff didn't try contacting me. Very strangely, I also had to repair my old ThinkPad L440 during the first months of use. Motherboard was replaced and the laptop still works OK.
I found some other minor problems with P15s Gen 2. Fan noise includes quite to medium coil whine which makes the fan sound much more annoying than my old ThinkPad. Laptop's case plastic still smells a little bit after 2 months. Case surface often needs cleaning because it attracts fingerprints a lot. There is a very quiet coil whine when the laptop is charging. Over the last month, BIOS was updated 3 times which is way too often. Touchpad seems to work worse than on my old laptop, most likely because of bad drivers. I didn't try to reinstall them manually though.
It feels like I got a beta version of P15s Gen 2 and Lenovo keeps on developing BIOS and drivers based on users' feedback. It seems to be a mainstream approach these days, but I expected something different for a premium business laptop. Why does Lenovo charge full price for a laptop which is still in Beta testing phase? If the product won't work properly for some time, I expect a discount. It is unlikely that I will purchase a Lenovo laptop in the future and don't recommend doing so during the first 6 months after the model's release.