I have the 4QY24EA model (16GB RAM, a (fast) 512GB NVMe SSD, 700nits HD, non-glare with sure view) for about two weeks now and I absolutely love it. Overall build, design, keyboard, pen - it's such a joy to use.
My only complaints would be the uneven backlight of the display mentioned in the review, which is not a problem in normal use, and a noticeable dependency between (peak) display brightness and viewing angle (maybe because of sure view?). But I'd calling this "complaining on a high level" because it's much better than on my old DELL business laptop. I have a Surface Book 2 at work for comparison, which is very good in this regard, but if I had to choose between a SB2 and the x360 G3, I'd always take the x360.
The non-glare coating of the screen is fantastic, I actually have been able to use the device outside on a sunny day.
A positive surprise: After working with the X360 for some time, I wondered "why is everything looking so smooth? The mouse movement, the window animations, moving windows around?". Well, turned out that the refresh rate is 120Hz instead of 60Hz. This is so nice! Note that the 4K screen may not have this, but at this point in time I cannot recommend 4K on a laptop anyway if you attach/detach external monitors on a regular basis. It seems like things are getting better with each revision of Windows, but there still some quirks remaining (I'm speaking with the background as a SB2 user since January).