Dell should really care more about their products and potential customers. This case with IPS screen nowhere available in shops is just one example.
While backlit keyboards are common for 5000 series, and particularly for this 5558 model in USA, India, even Vietnam, that is not the case for the models offered in Europe. But here comes the craziest part - the prices are almost the same everywhere, which means that the simplest 5558 model with Intel i3 4005U processor offered on the far east markets costs as much as models sold in the EU!? Example:
and this one even comes with Windows OS, while we have Ubuntu!
How's that even possible, and why such 'IT discrimination' from Dell?! I did contact Dell USA, but they just say - "please be informed that the computers that you can see on US Dell website is not all available with other countries because od parts availability." If not sad it would be laughable. Outrageous!