I understand the need to get paid, but the current digital economy model is broken. Every time you buy a storage medium (memory card, empty optical disc, HDD, SSD, etc.) you pay the copyright tax. And now the German taxation on citing material? I'm just waiting to see it translate into academic paywalls.
As for ads themselves... I don't just hate them, I loath them. They take up screen space, they consume bandwidth(some of us use metered access!), the flash ones slow down the computer, the popup ones(especially the invisible javascript layer ones) are annoying as hell, and finally, there is the matter of privacy.
Now, I don't have it set up on this particular machine yet, but I have a habit of using a vpn to mask my IP address, my browsers are set to DNT, and I erase cookies on a regular basis. Also, a site that requires cookies to function is already a bit questionable thing.
If the ad companies would avoid using popups, sound ads( I hate those in particular, especially when I can't find the tab that is playing it) AND would respect DNT, or would offer an opt-in model (even better), than I would not go to all the lengths to obscure my digital footsteps.
Finally, it is important to note, I have never, ever willfully clicked on an ad. And I have never, ever, bought anything through an ad. The things I bought, I bought because I knew what I was buying beforehand, and I knew where to find it. I found out both things through good editorials like yours. And I've been on the internet since 1997. Take note of this. I am not alone in finding ads intrusive and in many cases (like not respecting DNT) immoral.