I've noticed when I attempt to replicate your Web Benchmarks on my own system, they do not reflect what would be expected.
Is it possible to post what software versions (Web Browser, Windows version/etc) that you use for software benchmarks?
For example, I have a Linux-based Intel Ultra 7 155h, which is two years old at this point, and it trounces your benchmarks for systems that are newer/more powerful in Webxprt 4 and Mozilla Kraken. My WebXPRT 4 score was 304, running Kubuntu 24.10 on Firefox 134. This absolutely is far higher (~20%!) than most of your benches. Even your own benches don't scale well in this same review, I'm thinking either a very old browser version?
This makes it difficult to gauge whether it's worthwhile for me to consider upgrading, since the benchmarks don't match up consistently. And if you are sticking with static browser/software for consistency, can you please mention this in your reviews?
And this is only browser benchmarks, which call into me questioning the results of other benchmarks...