Ok, sure you kinda sorta hit some of the important things but really missed the mark on ALL of them.
OS and Interface
While ANYONE's 'game launcher' can run on WIN11, indeed the Steam deck is 'tied' to their store however can be 'hacked' to enable others. Not mentioned and completely missing is ALTERNATE Linux builds and OTHER game launchers.
The major problem with Linux/Steam vs WIN11 is the lack of game support for Vulken.
Size & Weight
Sadly (or stupidly) there seems to be a race to make these 'portable' devices NOT portable by making them not only LARGER but HEAVIER! Sure while larger devices can squeeze in more battery however the strain of holding them drops their usefullness down considerably.
Actual Performance & Run time on Battery
Again, sadly most of these (PC Gaming devices) have rather dismal run time on battery. Part of that problem is the amount of power required to drive an even gimped/dialed down game to achieve tolerable FPS and playability.
Other Alternate Gaming Devices
While the selling point of the 'handheld PC gaming' is that they are running the games NATIVELY, even if the user can over come the size+weight of the devices, most can't really do that for long without an external power source for very long anyway.
Besides adding controllers to one's cell phone (for example), there are countless lightweight devices that can be Streamed to if the user can add a decent network connection to the mix. There are a number of devices on the market that are designed/made/marketed to be portable streaming clients that can sip battery power.
Other handheld gaming
NBC is chock full of almost countless alternate 'Retro Handheld Gaming Devices' being introduced. Most/many of which cost a mere fraction of their handheld PC gaming counter parts as well as their size & weight (as well as run time on battery) is vastly different then the handheld PC's.
Custom 'grips' are available for many models of Cell phones which can turn them into both 'native' gaming systems (abet NOT PC games) or streaming clients for PC games.
A fairly good 'measuring stick' is the two current Switch models. Ask yourself if you enjoy playing on ether the Switch Lite or the full sized Switch.
Would you like something (far) larger & heavier & with less run time then ether of those examples? Are you looking for something more akin to a 3DS or GBA?
Granted, the 13-14" (or smaller) 'gaming PCs' are usually costly and there are limited choices as well as generally also requiring an external power source. However the better hardware they have can provide a much better gaming experience (you DO have a 'laptop' chamber in your backpack anyway right?) if you simply toss in a mouse or gamepad with it.