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Leaker reveals early details about NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 laptop GPUs with up to 16 GB GDDR7 VRAM

Started by Redaktion, June 10, 2024, 19:37:07

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NVIDIA has not officially commented on the release of next-generation laptop GPUs yet. In the meantime, a major leak has detailed the RTX 5050 through RTX 5090 with two versions of the RTX 5080 too.


That is an giant disappointment 8GB only for 5060 and 5070. Nvidia continue to discriminate against laptops if this true.


Thanks for using the word "leaker" instead of that edgy-sounding abomination "leakster" that many tech websites seem to push.


If this is true then damn... seems like nvidia repositioned the xx70 laptop GPU to be the reason why consumers will pay more for a xx80/xx90 laptop GPU since the 40-series laptop GPU came out.
I guess the 8GB memory on them was intentional.


I thought it was illegal, at least in the US, to post or distribute information/data that was obtained through illegal means? Maybe not... Interesting choice NVIDIA is making to stick to GDDR instead of going HBM... I'd still think for laptop it would make the most sense surface area wise... why pack GDDR7 into an area that has to be 100mm x 100mm when you can have HBM and the same specs can get you 50 x 50mm area...?


I don't know why people complain about 8GB VRAM for lower tier GPUs. Especially 5060. I'm on a 3050 with 4GB and every single game is playable with 60+ FPS in 1080p on high to ultra settings, except demanding ones like Cyberpunk. If you want to play with more FPS, enable DLSS. Only if you want to play in 2K to 4K resolutions should you go for higher tier cards.


Quote from: Murphy on June 11, 2024, 15:46:28I'm on a 3050 with 4GB and every single game is playable with 60+ FPS in 1080p on high to ultra settings, except demanding ones like Cyberpunk.
You're lying like a gray gelding - even GTAV, covered with moss from 2014, is not able to work properly with 4GB VRAM in ultra quality.

The minimum amount of VRAM today in low-end dgpu must be at least 16GB, and in top solutions 32-64GB.


STILL 8GB VRAM for 5070??? This is beyond a joke, don't buy it people, Nvidia milking you. Low specs high prices and faking it with vague AI speak and even more fake frame generation


Unlikely that a RTX 5070 will only get 8gb, especially when the RTX 4070 already had 12gb.
I think the 8gb version is the RTX 5060.


Oh.. my bad... I thought it was desktop GPUs, but instead it's laptop GPUs.

In that case the leaker could be right. Sorry...


The biggest scam of all is still that every laptop GPU tier is 1 step below the desktop GPU tier (desktop 5060 is laptop 5070, desktop 5070 is laptop 5080, etc.), and yet they're naming them identically.


Quote from: NikoB on June 11, 2024, 16:12:26
Quote from: Murphy on June 11, 2024, 15:46:28I'm on a 3050 with 4GB and every single game is playable with 60+ FPS in 1080p on high to ultra settings, except demanding ones like Cyberpunk.
You're lying like a gray gelding - even GTAV, covered with moss from 2014, is not able to work properly with 4GB VRAM in ultra quality.

The minimum amount of VRAM today in low-end dgpu must be at least 16GB, and in top solutions 32-64GB.

He wasn't lying. He was saying "high TO ultra settings" (emphasis on "to", which means it's probably a mixture of various settings), and there are lots of benchmarks confirming that.

Besides your so called minimum of 16GB VRAM or 32-64gb VRAM is exaggerated. But recently you also wrote something like "everybody needs a 8k monitor @ 120 hz"... well in that sense you are right and need such a monster PC, but as I responded to you in that thread the majority of gamers still own a 1080p screen (according to Steam hardware survey).


Quote from: NikoB on June 11, 2024, 16:12:26
Quote from: Murphy on June 11, 2024, 15:46:28I'm on a 3050 with 4GB and every single game is playable with 60+ FPS in 1080p on high to ultra settings, except demanding ones like Cyberpunk.
You're lying like a gray gelding - even GTAV, covered with moss from 2014, is not able to work properly with 4GB VRAM in ultra quality.
Ehh, if only there was YouTube in existence to check... RTX 3050 | GTA V Ultra setting tested 16GB RAM | ASUS TUF GAMING F15 !

All maxed graphics, the 3050 peaked at 3.7 GB VRAM, not a single dip under 60 fps.

Quote from: NikoB on June 11, 2024, 16:12:26The minimum amount of VRAM today in low-end dgpu must be at least 16GB, and in top solutions 32-64GB.


Quote from: Neenyah on June 16, 2024, 14:29:50
Quote from: NikoB on June 11, 2024, 16:12:26The minimum amount of VRAM today in low-end dgpu must be at least 16GB, and in top solutions 32-64GB.

Niko is a high-volume spammer whenever he gets proven wrong (and he will never admit being wrong, thus the heavy amount of spam just to cover proofs of him being wrong), so I will simply quote my reply to him on this same matter, it's from two weeks ago (now watch him quickly adding 5-10 new replies here just to bury this):

Quote from: Neenyah on May 29, 2024, 21:33:26
Quote from: Neenyah on May 29, 2024, 13:56:19
Quote from: NikoB on May 29, 2024, 13:29:01And that's not all - the 4070 with 8GB VRAM no longer allows you to run the latest games in ultra quality - there is simply not enough VRAM, 13-16GB is required.
Lol. Helldivers 2, quite demanding game, at maxed/ultra 1440p with 3070 laptop:, not once did it go over 5.8 GB VRAM and the 3070 laptop has 8 GB VRAM. 4070 laptop is about 22% faster than a 3070 laptop.

And the same game with the RTX 4090 desktop at 4K native ultra/maxed is reaching close to 9 GB VRAM but it is still always under:
Still far below from your funny claims of 13-16 GB (lol again).
Just saw this for Hellblade 2, the most demanding game on the market, 9.1 GB VRAM was its highest recorded at native 4K maxed:

Still 3.9 to 6.9 GB short of "13-16GB is required".

It also never went above 8.6 GB at 1440p native maxed, and, again, it is graphically the most demanding game out there where nothing but 4090 desktop is able to reach 60 fps at 4K native maxed detail (33 fps with the 4080 Super, as shown in the link above):

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