It's very simple - such models are sold only to corrupt purchasing departments of large companies. That is why (as for medicines in the USA, etc.) we maintain prices that are deliberately inadequate from the point of view of an ordinary retail buyer (and even more so an expert in the laptop market).
As soon as key sales to large companies for kickbacks to their purchasing managers have passed, they immediately reduce prices for the remaining batches in order to sell them at retail, because no one else will buy them there at such a 3-fold inflated price.
Do you understand? This is a problem for the owners of large companies - why do they have rats sitting in their purchasing departments en masse who give kickbacks from sellers, the sales department of equipment manufacturers, and do not bring benefits to the company owners. This also clearly shows that the company's shareholder model has not been working for a long time, because hundreds of thousands and millions of ordinary shareholders cannot fire corrupt management and line management. The question here is why the owners of large stakes turn a blind eye to this systemic corporate corruption, because... Without exception, all major IT equipment manufacturers are doing exactly the same as the Chinese Lenovo. And everyone knows it. This means that the system, in a perverted and frankly criminal way, benefits management and some of the large shareholders (since they do not insist on the quick dismissal of purchasing managers who allowed purchases at inflated prices to their personal benefit), but ordinary shareholders of companies.
How is this possible in a truly market economy? Bingo! The economy in the West (and everywhere else in general) has not been a market economy for a long time! Zombie corporations collect cheap loans from the Central Bank and therefore do not care about compliance with market rules, they are outside them. But as soon as you stop issuing fiat candy wrappers or raise the Central Bank rate to a level actually higher than real inflation - and that's it - these zombie companies will come to an end. Do you see what I'm getting at?
This system is built on cheap loans (printing fiat candy wrappers) in obviously non-market conditions. Otherwise, none of the real beneficial owners of the companies would have allowed management to purchase something at obviously inflated prices.
And direct proof of what I write is the external and internal debt of the US government and corporations. That is why they are interested in a rapid depreciation of the dollar or refinancing rates below real inflation - which is essentially theft of savings from truly productive people. Fat cats, in the absence of real ruthless responsibility on the part of society, do this time after time in history....