Are you seriously this ignorant?
It's been a while since I last updated my gaming rig, but when I did I didn't buy a new case or even a used one. Why, I can imagine you must be asking... Because I already had a workable case containing my current computer. Instead, I bought a motherboard and CPU combo, some RAM, and a Video card. I didn't buy new peripherals or drives, once again because I already had them. Furthermore, I often buy used parts from a nearby computer salvage yard when I need them. That means I don't have to pay shipping costs. The last video card that I bought was a $100 card so that I could update my Mac Pro to the highest version of MacOS that it will support. Guess what? That was purchased used, without a warranty.
I don't know what world you're living in, but PC gamers often have to make hard decisions to stretch our money. Buying used is one of those decisions we sometimes make. LTT specifically caters to those of us who are more than willing to get our hands dirty in messing with our hardware. From what I saw, the LTT list was completely reasonable excepting the lack of a Windows license which can VERY cheaply be purchased online.
Furthermore, some of us absolutely HATE console controllers, the horrible markups on console games, and the closed nature of console gaming. I don't own a console. I don't want a console. I won't buy a console. Why would I do that when the controllers make my wrist ache and my hands cramp into uselessness. Why would I when I can buy games on Steam at 75% off. Why would I when I can go to ModDB and stretch my enjoyment of those games I own with a plethora of mods, maps, and skins for free.
Maybe you should learn something about a community before you decide what we are and are not interested in. You sure as hell don't speak for me.