Capitalists really don't like the fundamental costs of searching for the new and unknown. They prefer to nationalize such losses (or simply steal technology from taxpayer-funded public universities) and seize successful achievements.
Market capitalization, after tons of QE printing fiat candy wrappers, means nothing. There is no QE and all capitalization, along with the money supply, begins to rapidly melt.
Usually massive raids on some TNC begin purely for the selfish interests of a number of large investors in order to drain the price of shares and buy a new package when what they need has already been sold to the stupid herd on the stock market and all sorts of pension funds.
Sometimes this is a systemic attempt to bring stocks and "smart" money down as low as possible, sometimes it is a tactical ploy for the sake of momentary market speculation by top managers in circumvention of the laws.
In any case, it is obvious that Apple has never been eager to invest in serious fundamental technologies, preferring to collect the cream of the crop from others who have gone through the hardships to achieve results.
Neural networks themselves on modern household hardware are a priori not possible in terms of truly useful functions for the average person. These are all the same stupid entry-level expert systems. For serious things, the power of the hardware in the "pocket" should increase by orders of magnitude, as well as the capacity of memory and storage devices.
Apple's influence on the market will fade gradually. At some point there will be a collapse, but it is too early for collapse. It is not enough to have a wagon of money - you need to have powerful brains in the company, enormous human potential. But now, real ones, they are extremely scarce and money sometimes does not solve this issue, but completely different factors. A company without a strong layer of cutting-edge research pioneers is dead. Even if it still has a lot of money...