It is 2018, which in its profile has maximum performance and operates under pulsed loads 100% silently (coolers off), something that no modern "gaming" laptop can boast of. Even the Dell G series, although as the authors has already written here in newest reviews, they are still head and shoulders above in this regard. =)
So my choice was right in 2018. If it weren't for the lousy flat G series keyboards and their rapid failure. Alas, it was impossible to predict this at that moment.
If I saw something like this with 18" 4k@120-144Hz 16:10 1500:1+ in 2023-2024 models with an ideal full-fledged keyboard with long travel and elastic tactile feedback, I would immediately buy it. But such a model is just not on the market, to my regret. And I don't care at all about discrete cards. I essentially don't need more than 4050. And it's also not needed if the RAM bandwidth exceeds 150GB/s for igpu.