Who cares about the integer performance of 1 core? Tests have long shown that China, with its backward technical processes, is many times inferior in performance to modern Intel/AMD processors. They have no chance of catching up with the West in mass parties in the next 10 years. Economically, they are losing even more. It is possible to make small batches of expensive processors using a backward technical process, but who will sponsor large batches? CCP, where will it get the money for this? If it arrived in one place, it left in another...
And we must remember that when in 10 years they catch up with the modern technical processes of TSMC, the West will already be +10 years ahead, unless, of course, China bombards it with nuclear bombs or destroys the social climate in the West so much that they turn into their likeness and even worse.
Therefore, the main goal of China, Russia and other odious countries is not to catch up with the West in terms of scientific and technical progress - they have no chance here if the West maintains a fruitful scientific and engineering environment, but to lower the societies of the West to a bestial state so that they do not need to catch up. They almost managed to do it...