dear notebookchek i have to say something really important to all of us, media, consumers, manufacturers, listen carefully.
there is no such thing as "single channel" for any desktop, laptop, pc, mac, except a very tiny segment of a very light&thin devices. see single channel-this device is for immediate upgrade.
again, there is no reason for single channel(1 module) to use it. ZERO.
1. manufacturers should indicate this on the packaging(but there is little hope for them, so let's move on to other categories).
2. media should inform customers about this. and don't test the "for upgrade only" configurations. this is just makes no sence.
you job here is ABSOLUTELY USELESS. you just spent a lot of time for nothing. and you did nothig to help us, consumers, or provide any useful information.
3. buyers should be aware of this, bought with one module-add a second. you don't want to mess around, buy config with two modules.