Quote from: Kevin wattchacha on September 14, 2023, 23:52:12I might buy this if I fancied having all my data stolen by the evil hauwei communist party, hope every horrible thing this tyrannical regime has done comes bk to them a million times over when they die and are burning in hell lol.
I couldn't imagine being so ahistorical and deranged lmao. The entire history of Communism hasn't done even a fraction of a fraction of the death, torture, warmongering, bombing, genocide, and human rights violations as capitalism does in one year. China and Huawei are "tyrannical" yet which country and system turned literal humans into a profit-making scheme? Oh yeah the US and it's capitalist slave trade (which has now, developed into the prison industrial complex). Which country and system has started dozens of coups and wars since WWII to appease arms manufacturers and turn every country into a neoimperlialist war zone where literal women and children were bombed to bits? Oh yeah the US military industrial complex and capitalism. Which country and system has the highest level of homelessness, children living in poverty, and infant mortality rate of any developer nation? Oh yeah the US and it's capitalist urge to enrich the already obscenely wealth with tax breaks and subsidies while children starve and die and families suffer under the "affordability and housing crises" which are actually just the wealthy being prioritized over the people so more like a "profit over people" crisis. All of the things that rightwing media and US military imperialist propaganda has you believing about China are the actual reality of the US, the most violent and death culty regime in the history of the world.