The first one seems kinda nice but doesn't make a lot of sense, the first 2 images are photos sneakily took with a phone, but then the other 2 are what looks like 2 frames of a video screeshotted from the a pc, i say video because if they are still images they are useless since they don't show the full product. So seems fake to me.
The second is clearly fake, there's no such thing as a "faster" eMMC, the last eMMC standard version released is the 5.1 and is from 2015, it is still used because it's very cheap but recently even cheaper phones have started going for the UFS memory standard, my phone for example has UFS 2.2 which not only is faster even if not by huge amounts, but has plenty of other qualities that eMMC memories don't have. So this one too seems fake to me.
The last one doesn't make sense either, nintendo makes console that are for everyone, they don't make high tier smartphones or tablets, they don't need to put a 1080p screen with 120hz of refresh rate, if it means 500$ of price. Even sony and microsoft had to add cheaper versions for their consoles because just adding a 500$ at launch was risky choice, they still went out of stock at the beginning but they also had not a lot of consoles ready to ship and there were scalpers. So i think this one is fake too.