So what they are saying is that car prices will rise because of the new regulations placed on auto makers who will no doubtly pass that incurred regulatory financial burden onto consumers who will also see a rise in everyday goods and services due to increased transporation/shipping costs passed on to them to bring those goods/services to market.
And since everyone now will be using less gas and saving money to the tune of ~$12,000/year - all to save the planet which seems to be on the brink of destruction every 7 years according to tweens and young adults on social media, I'm so happy the oil industry and your local gas station won't raise gas prices opting instead to take major hit to their profit margins.
And major shout out to local city, county, and state goverments that rely on gas taxes for generating additional revenue to fund pet projects, special interests, and grifting will undoubtably adopt more fiscally responsible budgets so as to not add to the financial burden of their citizenry now that they will be taking in less tax revenue due to lower consumption of a taxable commodity.