"This means that the Windows on ARM platform or as Qualcomm calls it, Windows on Snapdragon, is already five years old as well."
Uhm, both of you are out of touch with history.
The first Surface tablet, released 13 years ago, was Windows on ARM. It was an unmitigated failure.
Since then several other companies have tried it including Samsung and again, total flop. Even the Surface Pro X has been a relative failure.
In fact, Windows has had support ARM for almost 20 years along with MIPS and SH3, it's just that the only market interested it in was IoT.
As always, the problem is that tech fans are pushing their tech fetishes while the tech using public just does not care. What they care about is cost and compatibility. Most people do not buy a computer for the hardware or for the OS, but because they have a task to do and they know people they can ask for help when things go off the rails.
Apple can push this agenda because they have a tightly captive audience. Mac users aren't going to jump ship, even if the experience gets a little worse, because there is no alternative. But Windows and Linux can't do that. When offered an ARM alternative, it has to work as well as the x86 version and run all the same apps or the user will return the computer and buy one "that works".
That was the exact experience with the original Surface. The only app that worked on it was.. Office. People returned them as fast as they bought them.
Running x86 or worse x64 software in emulation is always going to be slower, and transpiling (which is what Apple does) will break things. With macOS, at least, there's a motivation to port to ARM (Apple's holding a gun to the dev's head), but Microsoft has no equivalent power and there's no equivalent pressure.
Meanwhile, Intel and AMD are upping their games mainly because of competition between themselves - look, Apple doesn't sell or license their ARM to anyone, so it's a PR threat not an existential one - so there just isn't any inherent benefit that an ARM PC has over an Intel or AMD one that a typical end user cares about.
BTW, I actually own a Samsung Galaxy Go ARM laptop and literally never use it. My main PC is my desktop system with is AMD Ryzen 7, an ASUS ROG Flow Z13 which is an i9 and a Surface Pro 8 which is i5. Why? Because the ARM laptop is just too wonky. I need reliable and consistent.