Again, a terrible tuning of RAM, although even the installed config is like from a madhouse - 8+4...
Absolutely lousy screen. It seems that I don't want to look further, despite the set of cool ports...but then the miracle begins...suddenly, the processor gives out just a f*cking(super) level of performance (37W PL1), but the miracles do not end there ... already seeing such a level, I figure that it will be quite noisy there, but what do I see in the end? Just an awesomely quiet cooling system while consuming as much as 46W!
Just like today, the same "miracle" happened with the Thinkpad Z16, where it is quiet even at 65W consumption! But then a question arises for other testing modes - how in "Witcher 3" mode with consumption LOWER than in load average, with only 41W vs 46W, the noise, on the contrary, becomes monstrous 43dB(A)?!
Today does not seem to be the first of April, the day of fools, but I would still like to get an explanation from the authors, as it is also physically possible. Is this a review paid by the manufacturer or a "random" mistake? You must understand that the data for consumption vs noise are physically impossible with "measured" data for for another modes, right?