A sure sign of a technological impasse is an increase in the consumption of processors (or, otherwise, a sharp drop in the autonomy of laptops from the battery with supposedly improved all the parameters of the chips, including "energy consumption" with higher productivity). It is clearly visible that the new generations of SoC consume more, and not less, while offering an insignificant increase in production. This is a technological civilizational dead end in the IT industry, as the most advanced today. Quantum processors have fuzzy logic and, before they are introduced into a regular household way, will take another decades. And these decades humanity will move like a turtle, sharply limited in computing power accessible to an individual (there is truth that the powers that be consciously limit the computing power available to the ordinary individual, because its sharp growth can lead to a "home made" calculation of the and the production of weapons of mass destruction, to which everything goes gradually, that is, when literally one person, if desired (evil intent), will be able to destroy the entire living or planet alone).
For example, what is happening with an affordable storage capacity of a house, for an ordinary layman, especially in developing countries, clearly speaks of a certain intent to drive a crowd into network services and block the possibility of peerful information exchange and owning the house with vast pirate libraries of content, which is easily achieved by Available cheap capacity. As everyone knows (there was an article in Forbes), after 2015, the average cost of 1TB HDD began to increase in dollars. And stagnation (or artificial intent) began in 2011, when the competition in the HDD industry has practically disappeared (only WD, Seagate and Toshiba remained). Earlier, until 2011, the HDD capacity was doubled every 2-2.5 years, and the price remained the same, i.e. a person bought a new disk for the same price, but doubled capacity, i.e. wrote old data on a new disk for same money and the capacity of the old disk on the new one was still available. Now this is not at all in sight.
And the more expensive the expansion and support of home archives and libraries of data, the worse the peering exchange of old, capacious content. On public trackers, it is clearly visible that the old, no longer popular in the crowd, content, quickly loses the number of "seeds". Previously, the speed of falling the number of distributing old content was much lower. This is exactly the same factor - the adoption of the cost of storing high-quality(capacious) content for the ordinary layman. Therefore, only what is popular is available from "seeds". And the old is easier to download(view) with all kinds of "netflix" (but everything is there, there is a lot only on the trackers, that's the problem).
That copyright holders, in fact, need in practice. A man not finding "seeds" for the download of the old (conditionally for example, films/serials) on public trackers, he will go to providers, kind of "netflix" and pay for old content, otherwise he will donload it in quality from public trackers, for free...