Just how many accidents, injuries and deaths has Autopilot use already saved? Well, for starters at least one from every video you have ever seen of a Tesla cruising down the highway with its 'driver' fast asleep behind the wheel... and that's just the occupants of the Tesla. What about the other vehicles it may have (eventually) hit were it not for the fact that Autopilot was calmly and competently steering the car along causing no safety issues whatsoever? This scenario is played out tens of thousands of times a year all over the world causing untold destruction and misery. Meanwhile Tesla says its cars on Autopilot are 1/5th as likely to be involved in a collision. If true, this immediately implies vast numbers of deaths and injuries prevented as a result. In the end, FSD only has to be slightly better at car control than the average human to start saving lives. The occasional error is always going to happen with any system, automated or not.