Hi Krishnendu, I really appreciate your comment. Looking forward to seeing what devs like you come up with when Unreal 5 comes out next year!
I just wanted to clarify why I used the term Dravidian, though. There are valid reasons :)
The current consensus is that the IVC deurbanized due to extreme climate change, turning into the Cemetary H culture. However, there is indisputable evidence of the largely peaceful migration of Indo-Iranian nomadic tribes into the subcontinent at this time, a group of people who were distinct from the IVC lineage as recent DNA testing from the remains at Rakhigarhi go to show. These are people who identified ethnically as "Arya," giving their name to both Iran and Aryavarta. As a matter of fact, the earliest written words in Sanskrit can be found in Kikkuli's Horse Manual, a horse training guide from the middle eastern kingdom of Mitanni which was briefly ruled by these Indo-Aryan tribes circa 1500 BC. While the bulk of what we know strongly suggests that the IVC spoke a Dravidian language, that's a whole other line of discussion. To keep it short, Indo-Aryans did exist and they brought languages and traditions that hybridised with existing cultural aspects to give rise to modern Indian culture across the subcontinent. The hybridisation between different groups was eventually modulated by caste and endogamy giving rise to hundreds of different hybrid mini-ethnicities, each with different proportions of ancestries. Genetics have played a role in uncovering a lot of this. I'm currently reviewing LivingDNA (the review should go up in a couple weeks). I'm a speaker of a Dravidian language, Malayalam, and I live in Kerala. However, because of the history of my particular ancestry, my genetic makeup is pretty much identical to someone from northwest India despite the fact that my ancestors likely migrated here roughly 1000 years ago and have no recollection of the move. That test was fascinating and I'm excited to share it as soon as I get some more data points from their scientists.
That being said, my use of the term Dravidian here in the article wasn't actually with regards to the Aryan-Dravidian divide, which is something from the late Bronze Age. Rather, I'm using the standard, accepted terminology for South Indian temple architecture. There are two major schools of temple architecture in India: the Nagara school in the north and the Dravida school in the south. The Dravida school of architecture is called what it is for the same reason the term "Dravida" occurs in our national anthem: it means "South Indian." When talking about temples fronted by large gopurams, it's correct to refer to them as Dravida or Dravidian temples and it, again, has nothing to do with the ancient history aspect of that term.