It's so weird, when i first got the laptop about 3 years ago i did not immediately notice the throttling. When it started to overheat and drop performance in some games like Overwatch and Fallout 4 I tried to check what was going on with the laptop. I think it was a BIOS update or something like that, that did not let me undervolt the CPU and then the GPU would start throttling at 74C, something it did not do when i first got it. The only solution that has worked for me at the moment is disabling turbo boost on the CPU so it at least mantains 1.8 - 2.2Ghz and not throttle to 800mhz when it gets to hot when boosting. I aslo checked how my gpu was performing and anything over 700 - 800mhz would immediately get temperatures to rise and make it throttle. It is insane how it will clock up to its limit for 5 minutes and immediatly throttle down, so i have to game everything at 720p as to avoid throttiling, it is so sad having to spend this much money on a laptop for it to throttle and underperform after some years of light - mid use. I just wanna know if anyone has also had this issue? or is there any fix to that 74C throttling temperature for the GPU?