@Remy how can it possibly be heat issues when
a) no other OEM tunes for thermals with cuda core removal, they remove tgp
b) removing cuda cores doesn't reduce heat produced by the gpu
c) making less cores run at higher clocks is less power efficient and, realistically, hotter
d) the laptop runs faster at the same power level with more cuda cores since more cores = more efficient processing at lower clocks
e) the laptop 3070 has been validated across many other OEMs running at literally higher TGP with the stock amount of cuda cores
f) Nvidia does NOT communicate anywhere that a lower cuda core configuration is even possible for that laptop chip, at least not in plain text
g) Alienware has never done this before
I'd like to assume they're incompetent, but it seems to be either a matter of product segmentation or simply playing dirty to try and keep their Intel rebate money high