These slides are more for the analysts, to convince them that you are on the 'right track' and they should continue to give you a 'buy rating'. What would you have them say? "We lost our way on Wafer Fab's and we will never get back on track now." "AMD designs better than we do now", "A year ago we messed up the supply chain and didn't have enough chips to sell." The truth does not sell well at all.
A decade ago I worked for a company where the president kept going to tech conferences and telling the analysts how our 'Nano Technology Solutions' were cutting edge and poised to take over the market, that is what the analysis wanted to hear, 'Nano-Anything' was the buzz word. Trouble is we weren't actually working on ANY 'Nano Solutions' at the time. No matter he kept the stock price up enough to cash out at a peak and sold the company off.
5G is the latest Buzzword, I am frankly shocked that Intel said nothing about their '5G Solutions' That is what the analysis want to hear now.