If Notebookchat wants to report anything about upcoming new launches by this Eve company, it is only right that it links back to all previous articles about its problems.
As an onlooker, I could not understand the large number of people's complaints. But I have to say that the Eve CEO's most recent (publicly searchable) replies in an interview with The Verge seems to be completely full of crap.
See: https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2019/2/22/18235909/eve-v-delays-shipping-ceo-interview-next-product
First he talks about how they chose to ship later rather than shipping products with lower quality products. But when asked about the non-shipping and non-refunds, hen he gave some vague crap about the payment processor being overwhelmed by too much funds incoming due to too many orders. Really? How the hell is that ever a problem? That can only be a good thing, never a bad thing.
Any payment processor that declines to handle the orders ought to then do a refund either to the consumers who paid those monies or release it to the company, Eve, to fulfil its manufacturing/delivery obligations. Instead the CEO just fibs and seems to bluff his way through about having made all the mistakes that could be made without addressing non-payments/non-refunds/non-deliveries. Its like the money just disappeared into a black hole and thats it?!?!
If the payment processor declines to process the payments as contractually obliged to, then it should refund the funds. Else Eve owes it to its stakeholders/customers to sue that payment processor for the funds in a court of law. The consumer cannot do so because they have no contractual relationship with that payment processor! Apparently Eve did nothing?!?
I don't get it. I also don't get how The Verge didn't ask any proper questions that any trainee or intern with half a brain should be able to do. Instead it just put out that CEO-trash-talk mouthpiece out for Eve. That is a complete disservice to consumers. But then again, I've stopped visiting that crap site (The Verge) years ago.
Read that article in the link and decide for yourselves.