Quote from: DrTung2708 on May 23, 2020, 00:08:30
I think Thunderbolt and Intel Quick Sync does play a role here for why no AMD on Mac yet.
I agree, but ...
ThunderBolt is tricky because OEMs still need Intel to approve their design for certification and Intel has no motivation to do so; however, Apple should be able to use a design which includes a TB3 controller thatIntel would approve.
TB4 / USB 4 allows TB to be integrated with USB 4 via the USB-C port. So this issue will be moot in a year--sort of. OEMs will still need to pay Intel to get certified if they want to use the TB moniker. An OEM could integrate TB4 functionality without the label and so bi-pass Intel, but I doubt any would choose to do so.
QuickSync is an Adobe issue. Adobe is fully capable of writing its software to take better advantage of multiple cores, but chooses to use QuickSync, because Intel ?... For this reason, AMD does offer more cores as a way to offset the lack of QuickSync technology. Realistically, Apple could put pressure on Adobe to change its code, but they won't, at least not under the helm of Tim C(r)ook.