The original Xbox One was a mess, no one can deny that. Microsoft eventually started taking all the right steps, first with the refreshed One S, then with the risky mid-gen One X, and lastly with the disrupting Game Pass subscription.
That's why the Xbox Series X is puzzling. Microsoft desperately needs to grow its user base to be a force in the console market (i.e., have more pull with 3rd-party software houses). Ergo, they really needed to sell their console like "hot cakes"... but everything about the Series X sounds like a more expensive console (that is the opposite of a fast seller).
I'm guessing that by the time Lockhart is ready to be released, Sony will be announcing the "PS5 pro", surpassing the power of the series X. Sony only needs to match XSX to get their loyal fans in, while Microsoft needs to regain gamers with the lure of a much better deal. Very interesting times ahead people, no one can predict what will happen (as everyone is playing a game of chicken with each other)!