This article twists data like a bag of Twizzlers.
This isn't some crazy new piece of innovative tech, it's a money grab in a world of sub-par processing.
Intel is releasing their 10nm chiplets in a world of 7nm processing, hoping their blue shield of blind faith will give them a couple more years of profit, before they have to refocus their attention on making processors again.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sad about it too. I've been an Intel fanboy since the Pentium Vs. Athlon days.
Three way they're handling competition in industry is disheartening. It's like they're not even trying anymore.
It's about time they were taken down a notch, so stop spinning their regurgitated micro advances in micro tech as innovation, and call it what it is.
A low dollar budget CPU that can't handle heat well, and won't outgame your smart phone.
Jesus! It's like apple is running Intel now.