If you're into open-world games, now might be a great time to grab one at a big discount on Steam – just $6 instead of $60. With over 26,000 reviews, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint could be well worth a look for genre fans.https://www.notebookcheck.net/Steam-deal-Open-world-shooter-drops-from-60-to-6-over-26K-reviews.975187.0.html
Absolutely nothing on this planet could ever make me buy a ubisoft game. Worst gaming company to ever exist.
The reason it has mostly positive reviews is the fact that looter shooter mechanics are now optional and can we simply turned off for more tactical gameplay.
This change was made years agooo and from then people realized that it's a pretty good game.
Do not write articles if you've not done even slight bit of research , Simply reading the top steam reviews would have made you realize the change.
I am not saying Ubi is anyway good, I am just saying all big game companies are just as bad.
I won't spend any amount of money on a Ubisoft game if I can help it
Requires you to install Ubisoft launcher on your Pc alongside Steam, it's the equivalent of purposely infecting yourself with AIDS and then paying for the privilege. I wouldn't touch this game with a 10 foot pole if it was for free.