MSI has introduced the MPG 272URX QD-OLED and MPG 272QR QD-OLED X50 gaming monitors with advanced QD-OLED panels, ultra-fast response times, refresh rates of up to 500Hz, and high color accuracy.
All of this so-called "advancement display tech" 😏 - buTtT not one word, no mention, not even one sentence, that EVERY users that are still interested in this "OLED advancement marketing" mess (LIE) that SHOULD BE on each users' mind is - the elephant in the room - has FLICKERING BEEN ELIMINATED, not just tucked away with gimmicks just for the flickering to come back in FULL force... I mean... FULLY ELIMINATED / CORRECTED?!?!
Uhm... what's that, OEMs?!
Let me guess, it uses crap Samsung OLED panels to cut costs...