Call me old schooled, but why do our cars also need software and computers-on-board processing just like our phones, then one will argue that prior to smartphones, feature phones were the norm of the day, back then.
Quote from: Papsy on December 01, 2024, 18:51:21Call me old schooled, but why do our cars also need software and computers-on-board processing just like our phones, then one will argue that prior to smartphones, feature phones were the norm of the day, back then.
they don't, nor should they all have, but the convenience and ease of life not having to commute so actively engaged can help alot with stress, and stress relating to driving like from traffic. imagine a day where you can buy an RV and sleep, to wake up in a new city. possibly having to use some sort of dedicated autonomous only lane or something, but sleep is sleep. no need to have to worry about staying up to travel far, or getting to or from work unable to perform or be present in either truly due to a far commute causing exhaustion.
we're clearly not at that point yet, but with what's out already it's like a miracle. the only downside is that people may end up losing the skill to drive if they go more autonomous, personally i love driving and am very skilled, as i always try to learn how different things affect things like effeciency, comfort, noise, trying not to spill drinks while making it home before take out gets cold.
I hope the autonomous systems just don't end up doing what most drivers do and not pay attention to otherwise mundane situations, there's always something to learn. Such as having 3 turn left lanes, the first backed up a mile on to the freeway because people who make that commute daily don't seem to notice or remember that there are 3 lanes, 2 empty because of their personal in their head 'autopilot' monotony lol. Or that when changing lanes to pass, to accelerate to the speed of that lane while changing, to get out of the way of the cars behind so they don't have to slow down to accommodate you after having been at a comfortable pace, its dangerous. oh and props yo Tesla for allowing certain amount of speeding in their system so as to deal with such situations where flow of traffic is above the stated limit rather than being super strict about adhereing to it.
the only concern i have about the future is drive by wire steering. i have the same concern about fly by wire planes like Boeing has moved to following Airbus, hopefully learning from their tragic mistakes with both the fly by wire without control feedback duplication for both pilots from the other's input, as well as their other tragedy where their full autonomous system wasn't programmed to take into account jet engine lag from throttle up to thrust increase. This lead to the system assuming throttle increase would result in instant thrust output per simulations, they were wrong while trying to prove the system was safe. I believe press and their executive staff were on that demonstration at the air show.
i believe they all perished. im glad for the rate of development, it's been quick, but not airbus quick.
then again Russia launched their version of a space shuttle, the Buran in 1988. i think that the home automation game is gonna be a start for people to really get creative and consider all aspects including safety should they h go into working to build this future we're facing. either that or consider posting more attention to the road even with the auto pilot system on
Quote from: Papsy on December 01, 2024, 18:51:21Call me old schooled, but why do our cars also need software and computers-on-board processing just like our phones, then one will argue that prior to smartphones, feature phones were the norm of the day, back then.
It's because there is a demand for that. It is the most important feature in auto customer satisfaction surveys.
And there will always be cars without self driving capabilities. Even teslas can be bought without it.
Hahaha. There is no AI4 retrofit coming for HW3 cars. It's a different form factor after HW3, you can't just swap it in. Different cameras too. How long will you continue to believe that Musk tells the truth about FSD? My version is probably the last, or close to the last, to work on HW3, and it's nice but it ain't the full self driving that has been a year away for the last seven years. Retrofit, what a joke.