Microsoft has finally replaced the Surface Pro 9 that it announced in 2022. Arriving in the wake of the 'for Business' Surface Pro 10, Microsoft has decided to jump straight to the Surface Pro 11 for its first full ARM-powered consumer release. Other exclusives to the Surface Pro 11 in the series include an optional OLED display that outputs at 2.8K and 120 Hz.
Wow, ludicrous price increase for OLED version and no 5G and no 32GB option for lcd. So much fail.
> Its peak brightness value remains unknown for now, though.
No, it doesn't. Check the press kit from Microsoft (link: news (dot) Microsoft (dot) com/download/presskits/may-2024-events/ The Surface Pro 11th Edition OLED display offers 600 nits peak for SDR and 900 nits peak for HDR.