Multiple reports state SMIC has finally developed an in-house 5 nm node using only DUV. It will supposedly debut alongside new Kirin chips later this year.
In laboratory conditions they can reach marketing levels of at least "1nm". The authors of this site should stop lying to readers and be sure to write all specified "nanometers" in quotation marks.
But in practice, only cost and global competitiveness are important. And here SMIC loses miserably to the Western camp of manufacturers. On order.
You can artificially reduce prices through government subsidies (which even the USA is now doing despite the "market economy", otherwise Intel would already be 100% bankrupt against the backdrop of TSMC's successes), but if something has arrived, somewhere it has gone, if you don't print fiat candy wrappers are not provided with anything, which, again, is what everyone, without exception, and especially the United States and the West have been doing lately.
But these non-market methods and the growth of the money supply lead to extremely destructive trends in the economy as a whole and in societies - the destruction of a decent and productive layer if competitive conditions are violated by artificial methods in favor of uncompetitive enterprises and segments of the population.
Which leads at the beginning to the collapse of local societies, states and then, if there is no one to stop destructive actions, to the general collapse of civilization in the end.
Disregard my previous comments, I am not an expert and I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Quote from: NikoB on May 14, 2024, 14:35:23Disregard my previous comments, I am not an expert and I have no idea what I'm talking about
Moron writing under my name 14:35, you are ridiculous. You're a cowardly bastard if you can't pee under you.
Once again - all these freaks masquerading as me are easily distinguishable from me - they are so stupid that they cannot even write a paragraph of meaningful text, unlike me.
Do you really believe, morons, no matter who you are, that in this way you will steal the "reputation" from a guest nickname? Reputation can only be taken away by counterarguments, and you all have an intellect an order of magnitude lower than mine. Why does it infuriate you that you cannot give a substantive answer - many have tried, but they broke their teeth.
Again disregard all my messages because I am not well versed about what I said just a while ago. Sorry!
Quote from: NikoB on May 14, 2024, 23:16:24Quote from: NikoB on May 14, 2024, 14:35:23Disregard my previous comments, I am not an expert and I have no idea what I'm talking about
Moron writing under my name 14:35, you are ridiculous. You're a cowardly bastard if you can't pee under you.
Once again - all these freaks masquerading as me are easily distinguishable from me - they are so stupid that they cannot even write a paragraph of meaningful text, unlike me.
Do you really believe, morons, no matter who you are, that in this way you will steal the "reputation" from a guest nickname? Reputation can only be taken away by counterarguments, and you all have an intellect an order of magnitude lower than mine. Why does it infuriate you that you cannot give a substantive answer - many have tried, but they broke their teeth.
This is me again sorry for being an idiot. I have no shame and no actual dignity spew lies like a turd
I watch propaganda from BBC CNN and Fox News saying China bad. Because CHINA BAD!
I have a mom that works at the brothel at night who has a sugar daddy that works for a pimp who also screws my mom with two other pimps for free money. Why not? Capitalism baby! Las Vegas baby!
Was the author of this news very offended by the real NikoB, who pointed out his obvious oversight?
Such a powerful hysteria at the obvious stupidity written in the news.
Let me emphasize once again - all modern "nanometers" indicated for current technical processes have nothing to do with reality. The dimensions of transistor gates are many times larger and this is a proven fact. This is marketing nonsense that fools the minds of young fools, and news must be written correctly - indicating nanometers in quotation marks or always making a footnote under the news that this is a marketing name for the technical processes of a particular company and has nothing to do with the real size of the key elements on the chip.
If someone else is crap about it, then just remove these trash comments, because you, the editors, know exactly where I write and where the fake "NikoB" is. ;)
I just hope China can develop its own technology and become independent, world doesn't need more monopolies, competitions lower overall prices for consumers.
We have bankrupted Huawei, let's do the same to SMIC
God bless USA
Wasn't expecting drama in the comments section, but here we are.
Thanks for the laugh. 😂
Quote from: America first on May 15, 2024, 18:39:46We have bankrupted Huawei, let's do the same to SMIC
Nothing personal, this is business. And the strongest survive in evolution. Those who have forgotten about the laws of the universe always end up receiving an inevitable cruel response. If China is so cool in science and technology, it should not care about ASML and Western technologies. Right? Why does he need them? And students in the USA and Europe should strive to study at universities in China and learn Chinese from early childhood, as the main language of the planet. Right?
Let the Chinese first make laptops on Chinese chips made from scratch and try to sell them to us at a price lower than that of Western manufacturers. And so that they are definitely faster and more energy efficient. This is how a real reputation and hegemony in the world is created through "soft power" - by proving its scientific and technological superiority, which gradually turns into geopolitical superiority.
If the United States also forgot about this, then they too will end up out of work, broke, like any empire rotten from the inside. History has proven this many times, 100% of the time.
Remember what Lewis Carroll said?
""You have to run as fast as you can just to stay in place, and to get somewhere, you have to run at least twice as fast!""
But can not create, but destroy, so that where there is now superiority (if, of course, it is based on labor and justice to those who do the bulk of the work) it becomes sharply worse, then against the background of this, a worse regime will not seem so sucks. This is roughly what the totalitarian layer of kleptocrats supporting Xi and even more Putin's bandits are trying to do.
Again, history will judge everyone. Real minds will find a loophole and inevitably beat dumber competitors. The mind is the most powerful weapon.