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English => News => Topic started by: Redaktion on August 31, 2023, 12:36:35

Title: Solid-state battery venture that hit 368 Wh/kg energy density with 600-mile prototype heads for cheap mass production
Post by: Redaktion on August 31, 2023, 12:36:35
With the goal to lower the price of solid-state EV batteries by employing cheaper raw materials and processes without sacrificing safety, a joint venture with China's biggest car maker is now moving to the production stage.
Title: Re: Solid-state battery venture that hit 368 Wh/kg energy density with 600-mile prototype heads for
Post by: VS Antony on September 03, 2023, 00:29:54
Good write-up on the cheaper Solid State battery.
I am just curious if you have come across any EV car battery producer shared in their EV car advertisement the following:
1. The Solid State battery power storage in Watt-Hour for every consecutive year of use. A graph with Y-Axis with Watt-Hr and X-Axis the Year of use.
2. The cost of battery replacement for an EV car?
3. What will be done to the expired battery. How it will be disposed and will it cause harm to environment?
4. Can the battery be recycled and reused for making new EV battery without any waste or less than 3% waste generated during the recycling process?
Thanks and hope I will get a reply for the above questions.
Sorry if the questions does not completely to your news details.

Thanks in advance.
VS Antony
[email protected]