Samsung announced a drastic 95% drop in year-on-year profits for the quarter, forcing it to join the list of memory chip makers which will be cutting production on account of the recessionary slump in sales. The long-term goal to invest in new manufacturing capacity still stays, though.
Such is capitalism, or rather oligopolistic imperialism (a minimum of competition in every complex sector) today - at first there is a crisis of overproduction due to greed at soaring prices on growing demand and a gradual increase in production in excess of demand (which depends on loans and life on credit in Western countries), and then a sharp decline in production and a gradually increasing deficit with a sharp rise in prices, and so on in a circle. Creative people have no time to calmly create and go about their business, receiving goods and services at the best reasonable prices, because. they are forced to guess all the time such idiotic trends and adapt to them, wasting energy on trying to predict it all.
Apologists for capitalism (and now imperialism) believe that this is a normal phenomenon in the development of civilization - such hellish cycles. But is this really so from the point of view of an effective progressive scientific and technical progress of civilization?
In fact, there is no overproduction, there is not enough memory in the market, like everything else, taking into account the growing demand from supposedly (real estimates of the Chinese economy, for example, show that there are no more than 600-700 million people, like in India) 8 billion people on the planet. The only question is why the beneficiaries of these companies want so much margin per unit of goods, to the detriment of mass deliveries for the progressive positive development of civilization? As well as the presence of billionaires, today it looks like a completely abnormal phenomenon in the modern world - they simply should not exist, which clearly speaks of the appalling level of corruption and inconsistency of states with their declared public goals of existence.
Capitalism, the more complex the world, is becoming more and more inefficient model of human development. Moreover, only the name has long remained from capitalism, and in general, all Western countries have long been socialist. Then why is there so little long-term planning?
Quote from: NikoB on April 07, 2023, 13:45:09Such is capitalism, or rather oligopolistic imperialism (a minimum of competition in every complex sector) today - at first there is a crisis of overproduction due to greed at soaring prices on growing demand and a gradual increase in production in excess of demand (which depends on loans and life on credit in Western countries), and then a sharp decline in production and a gradually increasing deficit with a sharp rise in prices, and so on in a circle. Creative people have no time to calmly create and go about their business, receiving goods and services at the best reasonable prices, because. they are forced to guess all the time such idiotic trends and adapt to them, wasting energy on trying to predict it all.
Apologists for capitalism (and now imperialism) believe that this is a normal phenomenon in the development of civilization - such hellish cycles. But is this really so from the point of view of an effective progressive scientific and technical progress of civilization?
In fact, there is no overproduction, there is not enough memory in the market, like everything else, taking into account the growing demand from supposedly (real estimates of the Chinese economy, for example, show that there are no more than 600-700 million people, like in India) 8 billion people on the planet. The only question is why the beneficiaries of these companies want so much margin per unit of goods, to the detriment of mass deliveries for the progressive positive development of civilization? As well as the presence of billionaires, today it looks like a completely abnormal phenomenon in the modern world - they simply should not exist, which clearly speaks of the appalling level of corruption and inconsistency of states with their declared public goals of existence.
Capitalism, the more complex the world, is becoming more and more inefficient model of human development. Moreover, only the name has long remained from capitalism, and in general, all Western countries have long been socialist. Then why is there so little long-term planning?
Interesting thoughts. I suspect there is further nuance to this matter, but you got me thinking nevertheless
Quote from: NikoB on April 07, 2023, 13:45:09Such is capitalism, or rather oligopolistic imperialism (a minimum of competition in every complex sector) today - at first there is a crisis of overproduction due to greed at soaring prices on growing demand and a gradual increase in production in excess of demand (which depends on loans and life on credit in Western countries), and then a sharp decline in production and a gradually increasing deficit with a sharp rise in prices, and so on in a circle. Creative people have no time to calmly create and go about their business, receiving goods and services at the best reasonable prices, because. they are forced to guess all the time such idiotic trends and adapt to them, wasting energy on trying to predict it all.
Apologists for capitalism (and now imperialism) believe that this is a normal phenomenon in the development of civilization - such hellish cycles. But is this really so from the point of view of an effective progressive scientific and technical progress of civilization?
In fact, there is no overproduction, there is not enough memory in the market, like everything else, taking into account the growing demand from supposedly (real estimates of the Chinese economy, for example, show that there are no more than 600-700 million people, like in India) 8 billion people on the planet. The only question is why the beneficiaries of these companies want so much margin per unit of goods, to the detriment of mass deliveries for the progressive positive development of civilization? As well as the presence of billionaires, today it looks like a completely abnormal phenomenon in the modern world - they simply should not exist, which clearly speaks of the appalling level of corruption and inconsistency of states with their declared public goals of existence.
Capitalism, the more complex the world, is becoming more and more inefficient model of human development. Moreover, only the name has long remained from capitalism, and in general, all Western countries have long been socialist. Then why is there so little long-term planning?
Inefficient model? U must be joking: Capitalism is a wonderful simple thing, someone identifies a need and then supplies that need. Unless government is involved with subsidies, special rules/laws, capitalism should work no problem. However there are always winners and losers. Now with a doctors scalpel, u can save a life or murder with it. Capitalism gets a bad name because businesses use their wealth to harm other businesses, pollute rivers etc This has nothing to do with "capitalism". (Capitalism is simply a term to describe: identify a need and supply a need via a business: someone risks their money to employ resources and deliver a product/service. Nothing more, nothing less) Socialism as we can see through history, is a very inefficient, corrupt bankrupting model. It is a sickness that will eat you up. A simple budget could illustrate this. U need everybody to work, work brings dignity and we need people to work! High school should be night school, by the age of thirteen, kids should be working during the day and attending night school. (with everybody working, keeping busy, out of trouble, all expenses, police, health, social spending would tremendously decrease! Lower taxes, happy people. Like priests, who put themselves in front of you and God, for them to be important and draw a salary, government is the same. All these politicians are not willing to work their asses off to rise to the top in a business. Way easier to sell a couple of empty promises and ur voted in and not held accountable but earning big bucks and believing your BS is amazing! Whenever there is a no accountability, there is corruption. More input from people, deciding on what their taxes must be spent on.(think municipality vs government departments. Start off with municipalities, where u live, control your own budget/expenses. Dont let a politician/priest tell u what to do. Do it under a very local committee with actual voting on big expenses. It would change our society for the better. So in essence, forget big brother/government, it will never take society forward, only business people employing a capitalism model will move society forward. (no government subsidies/interventions and limited imports. Smith was right about importing what u dont have but wrong on unlimited imports. If a country specifies strict rules to say rare earth minerals but imports from a country that does not have the same environmental rules etc, of course it will be cheaper in that other country. Proper costing/penalties is needed to add on costs for a "true cost" and this would limit imports. Obviously, exports will be also limited. ok, enough.
Quote from: Shaun on April 08, 2023, 00:52:01Inefficient model? U must be joking: Capitalism is a wonderful simple thing, someone identifies a need and then supplies that need. Unless government is involved with subsidies, special rules/laws, capitalism should work no problem.
You personally proved with your reasoning that all your assumptions are nothing more than demagoguery in favor of the powerful kleptocrats of the whole world. Capitalism is just as stupid a utopia as communism.