After the mystery of Tesla's battery order to BYD turned to be a blade pack that offers much better safety as well as record pack volume utilization, now we get to learn the exact capacity of the novel battery that BYD will be supplying to the Model Y. Unfortunately, the news is not good.
440km range from a cheaper, and significantly lighter car is bad news? Perhaps you should think about that a bit. I'd be very happy to have this as an option.
How much in Australian dollars
Quote from: Woots on August 13, 2022, 04:19:49440km range from a cheaper, and significantly lighter car is bad news? Perhaps you should think about that a bit. I'd be very happy to have this as an option.
440km theoretical, you can divide by 1.5 to 2 for real life range depending on where you live.
The news is awesome what are you talking about.... 440km and must be lighter and easier to produce.... Even if you are Racist this battery make sense.... This planet needs to work together... The us gov. Is so Racist and selfish.only care about war and money.. we all live on the same planet.... We need change the world together