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English => Reviews => Topic started by: Redaktion on July 18, 2022, 04:43:24

Title: Cubot Pocket Smartphone Review: Extremely handy Android phone for little money
Post by: Redaktion on July 18, 2022, 04:43:24
The screen of the Cubot Pocket measures just 4 inches, making it ideal for small hands and narrow pockets. Cubot's ultra-handy Android phones are not quite as cheap as they used to be, but is the Pocket still worth it?
Title: -
Post by: on July 18, 2022, 12:14:47
Great review. I looked at getting one and still not decided as I dont need a set yet but want something for the wife to use.
Title: Re: Cubot Pocket Smartphone Review: Extremely handy Android phone for little money
Post by: Barebooh on July 18, 2022, 12:56:12
This ugly Chinese turd right here? A 'designer phone'?
Florian, are you out of your god damn mind?
Title: Re: Cubot Pocket Smartphone Review: Extremely handy Android phone for little money
Post by: dlskjfds on July 18, 2022, 18:42:30
12nm SoC from 2019 and all this package, check iPhone SE or expensive phones from japan guys.
Title: Re: Cubot Pocket Smartphone Review: Extremely handy Android phone for little money
Post by: Zamorano on July 18, 2022, 19:37:19
Actually, I prefer this size over TV-sized phones that are currently very much the only option (as if everybody is shortsighted these days or something).
Title: Re: Cubot Pocket Smartphone Review: Extremely handy Android phone for little money
Post by: Carol on July 19, 2022, 01:47:41
I purchased a Cubot phone last year and I loved it.... UNTIL I found out that there isn't ONE United States carrier since February 2022 that has service for it! (And yes, it is an LTE phone).  U.S. buyers beware.

P.S. Would love, love, love it to be proved wrong.  I love this phone.  It's a great pocket computer for Wi-Fi.
Title: Re: Cubot Pocket Smartphone Review: Extremely handy Android phone for little money
Post by: JT on August 18, 2022, 19:09:00
Thank you for this helpful review. This is an excellent little phone for the money. It takes a while to re-adjust after years of using larger phones but it can be used to achieve everything which is needed in real daily life. No need to carry an oversize brick around. I am writing this comment (easily),from a Cubot pocket.
Title: Re: Cubot Pocket Smartphone Review: Extremely handy Android phone for little money
Post by: allan on December 02, 2022, 16:12:08
It now comes with Helio g85?
Title: Re: Cubot Pocket Smartphone Review: Extremely handy Android phone for little money
Post by: R M on July 10, 2023, 11:54:34
Thanks for such an in-depth review! This phone looks fabulous, the size and style is in the right direction, but pitting this against the iPhone 8(red) and XS silver, it is not measuring up to mint condition second hand 8 and XS. The other worry is replacement/refresh parts in the future to future proof this phone. CUBOT makes nice devices, their boutique brand HAFURY MIX was an EPIC phone but the dismantle of 3G towers to push awful designed 5G networks (that nobody really cares for, LTE/VOLTE/4G) was sufficient for almost everything) ended up making the still amazing performing MIX connectivity obsolete.
Title: Re: Cubot Pocket Smartphone Review: Extremely handy Android phone for little money
Post by: R M on July 10, 2023, 20:21:49
Quote from: Barebooh on July 18, 2022, 12:56:12This ugly Chinese turd right here? A 'designer phone'?
Florian, are you out of your god damn mind?
Yes designer, carrying on the tradition of VERTU style. What's your style? Another NPC phone by the big 2 makers?