Its true in the new XPS 1530 but as far as i know it is impossible to chance GDDR connection from 2 to 3! Also the 8700GT is only a 8600GT with a higher MHZ... so one option should be to use tools to set the MHZ higher!
A last option is to ask Dell if they see a chance to upgrade the card!
Hello, sorry i don't speak german, i have some question about inspiron 1520. I found a guy seeling a 7950GTX from XPS and i would like to know if i could put it into my Inspiron 1520. ( --------------------------------
As you can see this is very similar to 8600M GT. --------------------------------
Anyway if this isn't possible, do you know any 3D card i could put into my Inspiron. Anything better than this crappy 8600M GT DDRII...