It always disappointing when nobody tries to look at it from the other side.
- Honey has stated very clearly in their FAQ since 2012 before being brought by paypal that "Similar to coupon and rebate sites, [they] make money through affiliate programs", after being brought by paypal, it was reworded and moved into their extremely wordy terms as "We make money to sustain the Service when you purchase or engage with these offers".
While it is scummy, it's technically not a scam (to the promoter/youtuber) as they did state somewhere on their website the fact that if their viewers had the extension installed, any purchase they made would be done with honey affiliate code.
Implying even if their viewer use their link.
- Regarding best promo code part which most is calling a scam, for pre-paypal honey, I would give them the benefit of the doubt.
As far as I am aware of, honey don't have accounts and anybody could submit codes, if all submitted codes goes live without review, then all it would take is for a bad actor to spam submit codes to make honey a bad experience, imagine an offensive word popping up or the extension trying to apply hundreds or thousands of bogus code with your account, not only might it take minutes or hours, your account might even get ban for attempting to apply bogus code.
There are a number of reason why a code might not appear after submitting. Some promo code has extra restrictions like time, location, specific items, etc. Those would unlikely get past automated verification before going live and if a spam attack happens, the system might just give up on attempting to verify by applying each submission and expunge the backlogs to get to newer code submitted.
That is assuming they had a system and weren't manually verifying each code
And as a shopping platform, I wouldn't want honey scrapping tons of pages too frequently, so honey would also had to limit how often they check each site so they don't get block by ddos protection.
The part about allowing partner to remove promo code seem to be post-paypal, so I would put the scammer allegation squarely on paypal