It is kinda wild how tech is advancing. Usually bigger wheels/disks mean more noise, less range, less comfort. The only upside to bigger wheels - they look better. It is good that they've shrunk the gap in performance with the smaller wheels. But as the article states - it could be down to testing methodology. A wheel/disk design change can only improve the aerodynamics. Whereas a fatter tire improves the performance. Basically, all this performance increase can be just smoke and mirrors.
And the article is written by a "Senior Tech Writer". What a joke.
Quote from: Mr Majestyk on November 06, 2024, 00:26:44Come people, a story about fancy wheels, and you are too lame to even post a picture. In fact, this site is averse to product photos in general. Worst site in that regard.
Come people, a story about fancy wheels, and you are too lame to even post a picture. In fact, this site is averse to product photos in general. Worst site in that regard.