"Personally, I'm waiting for the days where some titles will 'auto-regenerate' themselves in as realistic & convincing as if artists actually did it therefore making an endlessly replayable title. :)"
Translation: Yum yum I love formless, thoughtless slop please give me more because I am a brainless consoomer
Moving the mundane and repetitive tasks to computer generation rather than chewing up skilled artists time will free up the artists for more creative tasks.
Everything from individual objects to complete environments could be imagined and visually realized with a mere fraction of the human effort that is required today.
Personally, I'm waiting for the days where some titles will 'auto-regenerate' themselves in as realistic & convincing as if artists actually did it therefore making an endlessly replayable title. :)
Sony's latest corporate report reveals that the company will rely more heavily on artificial intelligence and machine learning in game development. While this is expected to streamline development and reduce costs, it also sparks ethical concerns.