Theoretically it all makes sense, much like when FPU co-processors were optional add-ons to mainstream computers in the late 80s/early 90s, they became standard to improve overall performance with mainstream OS/software updated to take advantage of them.
On the flip side, chips are already so powerful nowadays with their 10+ cores and on-board specialized extensions for codecs, security and such - what are the odds yet-another co-processor chip can really improve performance 2 folds? Not to forget OSes and apps will need updates to use this as well.
Some obvious nonsense. It is the speculative execution of instructions in modern processors that has led to endless data security scandals. All modern processors already use speculative execution, which is severely limited in 2019+ due to data leak scandals due to the crap architecture of modern processors. It was the errors in the prediction blocks - what can be parallelized and what cannot - that led to these attacks on side channels and data leaks and the resulting scandals in the press.
Flow Computing is a Finnish startup that is making a big claim with its companion chip. It is said to offer an instantaneous 2x performance boost when paired with any CPU. The company has even gone further and said that the performance gain can be as much as 100x with software tweaks.