False. Microsoft is one of the most diverse companies on earth. Yes, the imbecile who claimed their racist against white people is also wrong, but so are you. You'll have to remove the space from the URL, as the site won't let me post a direct link for some reason.
sustainabilitymag. com/diversity-and-inclusion-dandi/microsoft-tops-fortune-500-diversity-and-inclusion
Quote from: Truthbringer on May 24, 2024, 15:02:56I have to comment on the clear lie you told. Compared to PlayStation and I have Xbox. I have encountered more racist ws in Xbox. I am constantly called racial slurs as an African American on Xbox playing cod. Microsoft has been sued in the past for racial discrimination for lack of minorities. If you are going to make up lies at least research the history. Name 5 Xbox exclusives where the lead characters are black? I will wait. Name one Microsoft executive that is African American at Xbox or Microsoft. I will wait. Because there are none absolutely none. Please the only person that is racist is you. Why did you make this article about race? It has nothing to do with that. It says a lot about you being a bigot.