Quote from: hugh mungus on May 09, 2024, 16:02:35Quote from: TruthIsThere on May 08, 2024, 20:07:29It won't even be a thought for the panel in DC - appeal DENIED!
What planet is Bytedance is even from to think a panel of U.S. JUDGEs will go against the all 3 SUPREME legislation houses' law makers, BIPARTISAN (all parties) passed vote, that these 3 houses even author/creates the laws that these judges MUST ENFORCE?!?!
Privileged much, Bytedance? 😂
Judges don't enforce laws, dingus.
Sure. "Enforce" is too strong of a word to use, if we were in a court of law, but guess what *genius* we are not, for my debate but **applying** **interpret** **follow** **ensure** **directing** the case to those that WILL ENFORCE after their ruling is all in the same boat at the end of the day to **represent** the laws that legislation (aka the law(s) of CONGRESS / CONSTITUTION... are honored, genius. 😏
One more thing, **genius.** What does that has to do with a panel of APPOINTED JUDGES in DC (not elected by the people) has anything to do with this topic? Do you even have a seed of thought to contribute to this topic or... is your only goal is to troll and/or just sit in a minus corner... genius?! 🤔