They never mention 4 Tflops fp32 in your source to start with (could be FP16) and based on the specs that are circulating, I would find that really hard with those specs at this price point. Based on the specs we have seen we are looking at around steam Deck Graphical performance with a worse CPU. Which makes sense because you can't wave your hands and make magic. Either they would be selling the switch 2 at 50% of their cost or this is not happening.
... Kind of a nothing burger, this article is. Obviously it would have significant power constraints in handheld mode. The only question is how much. The article also provides some misinformation -- the Switch does about 160 GFLOPs in it's battery-saver handheld mode, and there it lasts upwards of 5 hours, but it also has high power modes going to 190 and 220 GFLOPs for games that need a bit more power to keep up. (Reminder that it's 390GFLOP docked, with short term boosts available). Overall that put the system performance on par with the Xbox 360 when you consider the rendering efficiencies available on the newer architecture.
It's one thing if the system can do 4 TFLOP docked and between 1 and 2 TFLOP handheld. Nothing unexpected, that's last gen "raw" performance. It's something else entirely if the handheld configuration is restricted to no more than 0.5 TFLOP. It may have such a power restricted mode for indie/pixel/simple/last gen games and that's still a nothing burger, but it's something else if it's restricted from going any faster. It really only needs about 1 TFLOP to trade punches with the PS4 for rendering power and that's before considering TPU/AI image rescaling.
According to new reports, the so-called Nintendo Switch 2 could prove more powerful in docked mode than previous rumours suggested. Unsurprisingly, the next-generation console will be unable to maintain its docked performance in handheld mode, though.