I love this kind of predictions, the sort of that keyboard will become extinct. The fact that most people find it nauseating or at least uncomfortable to wear screens right in front of their eyes has a lot to do with the failure of VR to catch up. No monitors will keep on being sold and the more the better for productivity.
The era of physical monitors is almost over. Visor(visor.com) will be the first step in the right direction for head mounted displays, featuring 4k display per eye and a small form factor.
The JSAUX FlipGo is touted as one of the most innovative dual-stacked portable monitors thanks to its one-cable, easy mode-switching design. It is touted as the "ideal companion" for those who work either on the road or in an office with a range of stand options supported out of the box. Now, its crowdfunding campaign is nearly over - but not before accruing seven figures in terms of backing.