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Posted by anan
 - March 25, 2024, 10:55:22
QuoteWhich event do you mean?
I think he means when Apple settled the batterygate lawsuit./s
Posted by Gallo123
 - March 22, 2024, 14:53:57
Nothing will change. The mass are too stupid.

I mean you look at the stats. Teens in the US pressured to buy Apple because they don't want to be seen with inferior message god what a dumb population, just tell yor "friends" to p*** off.
Posted by RobertJasiek
 - March 22, 2024, 14:37:44
Quote from: NikoB on March 22, 2024, 14:21:53kleptocrats in all countries. And in 2020 they delivered their first united blow to rights and freedoms

Which event do you mean?
Posted by NikoB
 - March 22, 2024, 14:21:53
You are a common liar and demagogue. Just look at Apple's market shares in the US in the smartphone market. And on the market share of Windows in the world, which has long grown into a market dictatorship for more than 20 years. Or Intel's market share and criminal practices in the US and the world. Etc. and so on. The US antimonopoly authorities and officials are completely corrupt, as throughout the world, because deliberately for geopolitical reasons, they diligently do not notice direct violations of antitrust laws by large corporations.

They are too important to influence in the world to be forced to split apart. It is much easier for dirty politicians and corrupt high-ranking officials to have behind-the-scenes dealings with the leaders of one large company. And it is much easier for a large corporation to influence them. The system becomes self-dragging into a criminal conspiracy of all participants in secret, behind-the-scenes transactions.

All countries of the world have long been ruled by organized criminal groups, and the owners of large companies themselves gradually become those who rule the world through secret criminal connections with these groups.

The population are stupid sheep who believe in "democracy", "elections", "the judicial system" and all that kind of nonsense, which in reality is a carefully constructed circus for suckers. A public front facade covering the world of real dirt and evil.

And so that all these creatures could exist with impunity, they came up with "offshore companies". And when they became too dangerous, they came up with "cryptocurrencies" to continue effective corruption and embezzlement.

The Chinese and Russian kleptocracies have long been tightly intertwined with the Western ones, as well as the kleptocracies of other countries. This is the same criminal group. The stupid population does not see the forest behind 2 pine trees.

Marx threw out the slogan "Workers of the world, unite!", but it was heard not by stupid workers of all stripes in the world and not even by the "middle class" that grew out of them, but by kleptocrats in all countries. And in 2020 they delivered their first united blow to rights and freedoms, testing the strength of civil society and its rationality and ability to adequately respond to evil. They (kleptocrats) won this round, became convinced that the power of civil activists is no longer enough to bring some sense to the increasingly dumb majority of the population, and continue to win round after round. While the stupid majority of the population (and in a democracy the majority wins elections, even if it is stupid and easily manipulated!) with open mouths, in shock or with stupid approval (for the sake of the ephemeral "security" thrown into their heads) watches as one chain is thrown over them after another.

Well, such a civilization will eventually devour itself. And it serves her right.
Posted by RobertJasiek
 - March 22, 2024, 12:38:13
Quote from: DantePierttyr on March 22, 2024, 11:27:30there are so many options on the market.

There are three major options:
- iOS (with Apple's monopolistic behaviour)
- Android (regardless of the hardware choice, typically there are too few updates and even more data theft)
- Linux (typically €1000+ and too few service apps)

The consequence for me: none of these options (and also not Microsoft's temporary beta endeavour) suits my needs so I have never had any smartphone. An end to Apple's monopolistic behaviour would be a change in the right direction but insufficient. The USA and EU also need more regulations towards longer updates of operating systems, standardisation of batteries of mobile devices, easier maintenance and better enforcement of data protection laws. My wireless landline phone gets regular firmware updates, has standard batteries, allows their very easy replacement and is without data theft. Such available for smartphones within a reasonable price range and I would buy one.

Posted by DantePierttyr
 - March 22, 2024, 11:27:30
I even think that some points are valid, as do those who say that no one is forced to buy an iPhone. Then, If you don't like the weird restrictions, don't buy it, there are so many options on the market.
Posted by Redaktion
 - March 22, 2024, 07:55:09
The US Department of Justice has taken legal action on behalf of consumers, developers and competing companies accusing Apple of engaging in monopolistic practices with a particular focus on its iPhone business. However, the suit is wide ranging and cuts across many of Apple's other business practices which the DOJ argues contravenes the Sherman Antitrust Act.