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Posted by Smasnug
 - March 10, 2024, 23:35:12
Quote from: lmao on March 04, 2024, 09:24:33xiaomi is fighting a previous war, photos only have to look good enough on phone screen and that's it, no one is zooming them to 100% or using them to print 5 meter posters - and if you do, you will shoot RAW and develop it, so all this 'testing' is irrelevant. every single photo in the article has zero artistic value, most of them are a photos of pine tree or a brick wall lol.
that's why samsung doesn't really bother and they focus on software features, updates, stability, dex etc. by the time xiaomi realizes they are 'winning the race' with no one competing against them, samsung and apple will be miles away in the other direction.

I agree with your opinion. all these people that argue with you just don't get it
Posted by lmao
 - March 09, 2024, 21:51:59
Quote from: hubris on March 09, 2024, 20:45:20I do have to agree with heffeque regarding updates being a mess everywhere from all vendors.
well i'm still waiting for references to actual cases like this from him.
xiaomi bricked phones like 2-3 times in last year or year and half.
Posted by hubris
 - March 09, 2024, 20:45:20
Ah, oh well. I do have to agree with heffeque regarding updates being a mess everywhere from all vendors. Lesson here is just to never immediately update and wait until many others have confirmed it's safe to. Glad they're aware of the situation and pulled the malicious update!
Posted by lmao
 - March 09, 2024, 20:03:11
Quote from: hubris on March 09, 2024, 19:28:37is this site legit? no sources and posts by someone named 'admin'. looks sus to me.
Posted by hubris
 - March 09, 2024, 19:28:37
Quote from: lmao on March 05, 2024,

is this site legit? no sources and posts by someone named 'admin'. looks sus to me.
Posted by lmao
 - March 09, 2024, 17:02:16
Quote from: Mi 14 Pro user on March 09, 2024, 16:20:08and always complained about how their phones is always buggy and lousy
to mother, aha
'moooom xiaomi isn't working again'
'what is the bug darling'
typical family dinner chat
Posted by Mi 14 Pro user
 - March 09, 2024, 16:20:08
Quote from: lmao on March 09, 2024, 10:59:20
Quote from: Mi 14 Pro user on March 09, 2024, 10:07:29My mother was skeptical at first since she always heard about this brand's nature to have problematic software
everything is fine in this marketing story except technically savvy mother

I'm sorry but what?? My mother isn't that technically savvy but she does knows a thing or two about Xiaomi's phone since some of her siblings used to have a Xiaomi's Redmi and Poco phone (Redmi Note 10, Redmi 9T and Poco X3 NFC specifically) and always complained about how their phones is always buggy and lousy.
Posted by lmao
 - March 09, 2024, 10:59:20
Quote from: Mi 14 Pro user on March 09, 2024, 10:07:29My mother was skeptical at first since she always heard about this brand's nature to have problematic software
everything is fine in this marketing story except technically savvy mother
Posted by Mi 14 Pro user
 - March 09, 2024, 10:07:29
Mi 14 ultra definitely brings a lot of improvement. I bought 1 for my mother to replace her aging Samsung S20 Ultra. My mother was skeptical at first since she always heard about this brand's nature to have problematic software but I as a longtime xiaomi user (first used Mi 8, upgraded to Mi 10 pro and now Mi 14 Pro) have assured her that Xiaomi Flagship very seldomly have a problem and the one that are usually problematic are the Redmi and Poco branded ones. Now she enjoys the phone very much, too much in fact that I always have to become an unpaid photographer and videographer everytime she goes somewhere 😂.

When my sister heard that i bought this phone for our mother, he asked me why didn't I bought an S24 Ultra (She also used S24 Ultra), and I said to her that this phone is better in value (it's cheaper in my country compared to S24 Ultra of the same 12/512 variant) and also offers better camera by quite a margin and a good software (though this is quite biased since I am a Xiaomi user, but hey it never caused me a problem). She doesn't believe me at first on the better camera and straight up compared the photos on her phone and my mother's phone and ends up proving my words are right. She partially regretted that she bought that phone but I said quote on quote "Well in the end of the day no one is gonna zoom in on the photo, unless that person is picky in photo quality. Also samsung offers 7 years of update so that's an advantage over Xiaomi phones." I suggested to her if she wants to upgrade to a Xiaomi phone in the future, just wait for the Mi 20 Ultra, assuming that Xiaomi at that time are a tad bit better in the camera department compared to samsungs and iPhones.
Posted by lmao
 - March 05, 2024, 22:39:38
Quote from: heffeque on March 05, 2024, 22:25:06People have their phones with them at all times. That's not the case with cameras.
then don't say you value cameras lol, that's a real hypocrisy
Quote from: heffeque on March 05, 2024, 22:25:06As if Apple or Samsung had never botched updates. What a hypocrite.
feel free to throw in some real cases involving mass bricking and data loss
Posted by heffeque
 - March 05, 2024, 22:25:06
Quote from: lmao on March 05, 2024, 22:09:40if you want good camera capabilities - get a camera.
People have their phones with them at all times. That's not the case with cameras.

Quote from: lmao on March 05, 2024, 22:09:40their only innovation is ton of phones bricked by update last week, when many people had to factory reset and lost their data, including photos lol
No issues here. As if Apple or Samsung had never botched updates. What a hypocrite.
Posted by lmao
 - March 05, 2024, 22:09:40
Quote from: EN on March 05, 2024, 21:49:02value other things like camera
Quote from: EN on March 05, 2024, 21:49:02If you want good camera capabilities, this is the phone to get
if you want good camera capabilities - get a camera.
Quote from: EN on March 05, 2024, 21:49:02Xiaomi is still innovating
their only innovation is ton of phones bricked by update last week, when many people had to factory reset and lost their data, including photos lol
Posted by EN
 - March 05, 2024, 21:49:02
Quote from: lmao on March 04, 2024, 09:24:33xiaomi is fighting a previous war, photos only have to look good enough on phone screen and that's it, no one is zooming them to 100% or using them to print 5 meter posters - and if you do, you will shoot RAW and develop it, so all this 'testing' is irrelevant. every single photo in the article has zero artistic value, most of them are a photos of pine tree or a brick wall lol.
that's why samsung doesn't really bother and they focus on software features, updates, stability, dex etc. by the time xiaomi realizes they are 'winning the race' with no one competing against them, samsung and apple will be miles away in the other direction.

You're right.  Most Apple users only care that their phone has blue bubbles and don't care about much else, as long as it's "good enough".  For people who can't afford an Apple, they get Samsung. 

So I guess all the other phone mfrs shouldn't bother.  With no real competition, there's nothing new going on and they can just sit back and collect money.  In a world like that, this entire website doesn't have much purpose since most people just buy whatever is at their local phone/electronics store.

I'm not one of those people.  I don't care about blue bubbles and value other things like camera.  If you want good camera capabilities, this is the phone to get.  If you don't care about that, then this is not the one to get.  I'm happy Xiaomi is still innovating.

Posted by lmao
 - March 04, 2024, 10:55:30
Quote from: heffeque on March 04, 2024, 10:40:55An article talking about cameras and camera software performance, and your comment is about saying that neither are relevant.
Quote from: heffeque on March 04, 2024, 10:40:55Someone who pays 1500 € for a phone should get the best performance on everything, cameras and camera software included
very short-sighted opinion, you are not paying for 'best in everything'
Posted by heffeque
 - March 04, 2024, 10:40:55
Quote from: lmao on March 04, 2024, 09:24:33xiaomi is fighting a previous war, photos only have to look good enough on phone screen and that's it, no one is zooming them to 100% or using them to print 5 meter posters - and if you do, you will shoot RAW and develop it, so all this 'testing' is irrelevant. every single photo in the article has zero artistic value, most of them are a photos of pine tree or a brick wall lol.
that's why samsung doesn't really bother and they focus on software features, updates, stability, dex etc. by the time xiaomi realizes they are 'winning the race' with no one competing against them, samsung and apple will be miles away in the other direction.
An article talking about cameras and camera software performance, and your comment is about saying that neither are relevant.

Someone who pays 1500 € for a phone should get the best performance on everything, cameras and camera software included, not only software features, updates, stability, etc.