Please get your facts straight, basic math required:
Quotepower rating is limited to 100 mW at 3V. It produces 8.64 J per day and 3153 J per year.
Nope, it's 100 uW (microwatt), only then you arrive at 8.64 J/day. Tom's Hardware got it right, HKEPC and you did not.
Quote"way ahead" of Europe and America, which only developed large-size thermonuclear batteries
I understand they want you to think this way, but tritium based 'chip' batteries from CityLabs are available with similar power, higher safety due to less radiation, but shorter half-life.
According to Wikipedia, promethium-based 'nuclear' (actually, betavoltaic is the correct term) batteries were used in pacemakers since early 1970s.
And, BTW, these 'chinese' batteries seem to based on 2018 russian research.