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Posted by jacoeinee
 - June 27, 2024, 05:02:50
The comparison between Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4 is interesting. Far Cry 3's story and villain are iconic, while Far Cry 4 introduced some fun new mechanics like the wingsuit.  It seems there's more to these games than just surface similarities uno online.
Posted by TwistedNoise
 - December 29, 2023, 21:47:29
Quote from: Grim on December 25, 2023, 22:57:03Okay soo i just wanna say far cry primal  ,farcry new dawn and far cry blood dragon isnt part of the main story they are basically just"we can do something else" from the developers
Quote from: Craigdaniels34 on December 25, 2023, 17:23:11It's sad that a "professional writer" can't even be bothered to do a Google fact check and see that they missed 2 whole games... I honestly have doubts that the author even played any of the games...

You are a moron... Farcry Primal is the ultimate prequel while New Dawn is literaly a sequel to Farcry 5.
Posted by TwistedNoise
 - December 29, 2023, 21:45:03
Almost everyone here is completely off their rockers especialy the dumbass that says that New Dawn and Primal are not a part of the main story... New Dawn is literaly a sequel to Farcry 5 and Farcry Primal is the ultimate prequel that introduces brand new mechanics. Farcry 1 is the buggiest game to have ever been created putting even Bethesda games to shame. Farcry 2 was nice but the emptiest game ever. Farcry 3 and 4 were better games but 5 and 6 are way better. New Dawn, Primal and Blood Dragon are beasts on their own.
Then again, this is MY preference.
Posted by Phoenixxxxxx
 - December 28, 2023, 14:37:38
Far Cry 2 as the best? You must be snorting the good stuff to believe that. It was the worst of the lot. There was so much wrong with that game I don't know where to begin *cough* gun jamming *cough* but also the fact you basically battle a virus the whole game. You're practically a walking disease. It might as well have been a survival game, not a fps game.
Posted by Chetanya Mundachali
 - December 28, 2023, 13:18:20
Farcry 6 is the best game interested of gameplay and inclusivity.Graphically also it's the best.
Missions only needed to be more creative and streamlined. That's all.

Farcry 3 will always be the ebst game I terms of Story.

Farcry 5 would have topped the list if they just had to add knife takedowns in this game.
Posted by CZA
 - December 27, 2023, 14:51:29
Not gonna lie, this "journalist" makes a good argument to just letting ChatGTP make your articles.

How anyone can compare the story and mechanics for 3 to 4 as a facsimile is seriously under the spotlight in so far as journalistic integrity goes.

TL/DR.. Do you even FarCry, brah...
Posted by Jb91
 - December 27, 2023, 11:58:13
Having played all the far cry games when they were released. I wholeheartedly agree with this list.

3 has an awful story imo and is only popular because of the edgey villain teenagers of that era thought they related to.

The original far cry was phenomenal and nothing has been done similar to it since then. Far cry 2 too was far more gritty and enjoyable than the recent games. They were also very different to one another and pushed the boundaries.

Since then they have been carbon copies of one another. Out of 3 4 5 and 6, 5 is certainly my favourite.
Posted by Bob B.
 - December 26, 2023, 16:34:12
Agree with the last two comments on their ranking as I also feel Far Cry 4 & 3 to be the best ones.
Also, as others pointed out the writer doesn't have a clue about the games - not only because of the omissions but the reasoning. Seems like basic and pointless. No arguments lol.
Posted by Lazyy Gamerrr
 - December 26, 2023, 15:01:00
1. Far cry 3
2. Far cry 4
3. Far cry 2
4. Far cry 6
5. Far cry 1
6. Far cry 5
Posted by Jerry
 - December 26, 2023, 05:26:10
Wtf garbage did I just read.. 4 is the quintessential FarCry experience with the best protagonist, the best villain, the best gunplay, the best map/locale, and is easily #1, 3 or Primal at #2 and the rest wherever you want them. Personally I'd probably go 2 then 5 then 6 then 1 then Vengeance (jokes as hell on the Wii) I never played New Dawn and if you want to include Blood Dragon, as great as it is I'd put it near the bottom just because of how short it is. But Yikes bro, really reads like you didn't touch anything after 2.
Posted by Craigdaniels34
 - December 26, 2023, 00:25:16
Quote from: Grim on December 25, 2023, 22:57:03Okay soo i just wanna say far cry primal  ,farcry new dawn and far cry blood dragon isnt part of the main story they are basically just"we can do something else" from the developers
Quote from: Grim on December 25, 2023, 22:57:03Okay soo i just wanna say far cry primal  ,farcry new dawn and far cry blood dragon isnt part of the main story they are basically just"we can do something else" from the developers
Quote from: Craigdaniels34 on December 25, 2023, 17:23:11It's sad that a "professional writer" can't even be bothered to do a Google fact check and see that they missed 2 whole games... I honestly have doubts that the author even played any of the games...

Didn't mention blood dragon because it's an expansion for FarCry 3. Aside from that, Primal and New Dawn are most definetly stand alone games... Incase you haven't noticed none of the FarCry stories are connected (aside from a couple easter eggs)... It's not like FC 1-6 Are a continuation and the other 2 are spinoffs... They most definetly should've been mentioned in an article about "best FarCry games"...
Posted by Grim
 - December 25, 2023, 22:57:03
Okay soo i just wanna say far cry primal  ,farcry new dawn and far cry blood dragon isnt part of the main story they are basically just"we can do something else" from the developers
Quote from: Craigdaniels34 on December 25, 2023, 17:23:11It's sad that a "professional writer" can't even be bothered to do a Google fact check and see that they missed 2 whole games... I honestly have doubts that the author even played any of the games...
Posted by Paulretsas
 - December 25, 2023, 22:33:36
Truly the original and best open  world games without following a script ever.
Posted by toto1234
 - December 25, 2023, 20:09:32
Far Cry 2 AKA pickup truck simulator, ranked #1

Yeah right...
Posted by Ghost Jake
 - December 25, 2023, 19:15:13
Far cry 5 is the sorriest one
Should be in last place.